TURBO Tokens
TURBO tokens are TurboWallet's official token.
Max Supply: 1,000,000,000
GO-20 Contract Address: 0xa25ab62fe6dc7e5be35df80da3da43add0a0e4a3
Where Can I Buy TURBO?
TURBO is available on LAtoken!
TURBO tokens can also be purchased on the DeFi exchange GoSwap: https://goswap.exchange/
How Can I Earn TURBO?
You can earn TURBO tokens just by using the TurboWallet app! You can see your balance anytime on your TurboWallet dashboard.
What are TURBO Tokens good for?
TURBO tokens provide the following benefits:
Transaction fee (gas fee) reimbursement
Think of this like ATM fee reimbursements. When you send a transaction on blockchain, you need to pay fees for the transaction. The cost varies depending on the time and day and how congested the network is at that time. On Ethereum, it might cost you half a penny, it might cost you $.10 or it might cost you a $1 or more. If you are holding TURBO tokens, you will be reimbursed for transaction fees.
For each 100,000 TURBO you hold, you will be reimbursed for up to 1 Ethereum transaction per month and 100 GoChain transactions per month.
Giveaways and Prizes
Holders of TURBO will automatically be entered in prize drawings (at least monthly), airdrops from other tokens and any other giveaways we or our partners do. Game partners may give away cryptocollectibles while others may give away tokens or free access to services.
Chances of winning depend on how much TURBO you hold and for long you've held it . So keep calm and HODL on!
Up to 1% Cash Back
When using TurboWallet to pay supported merchants, games and service providers, you can earn up to 1% of all your transactions back as TURBO rewards.
For each 10,000 in TURBO tokens you hold, you will get 0.1% back
If you hold 100,000 TURBO, you will get the full 1% back in TURBO tokens.
Early Access to New Features
Get early access to new features that aren't available to the public!
Referral Bonuses
You can earn referral bonuses for new members that refer, that also deposit TURBO into their account.
More to Come!
We'll keep adding more valuable features and benefits to members of the TURBO HODL crew, so keep your eye open for announcements.